Friday, May 25, 2012

2012 Republican Primary- What Is The GOP?

So just about everybody has had their eye on the 2012 Republican Primary in hopes of figuring out just what the GOP itself even wants to be. The so-called "Right Wing" of the United States' archaic and ineffective two party system can no longer define what it means to be "Conservative".  There can be no better illustration of this point than to look at the big candidates who entered (and exited) the race thus far.

Michelle Bachmann, touted as "the Tea Party candidate", she wants to continue an aggressive foreign policy and expand the military industrial complex. A war with Iran would mean nothing to her. Oh yes, Barry Goldwater is probably turning in his grave like a Ferris wheel looking at what the "Constitutional" candidate is supposed to look like on a national stage. 

Newt Gingrich, a shamed-from-Congress and bitter womanizer who wants rapid expansion of government into healthcare and apparently Moon based colonialism. Space cadet doesn't even begin to describe this guy's rhetoric, let alone his shady dealings with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. 

Herman Cain, a no-nothing pizza man with ties to the Federal Reserve. He was against an audit of the Fed, criticizing Ron Paul and his fans of treating the Fed like a boogeyman. Cain, like Newt, couldn't keep it in his pants either as affair scandals surfaced, suspending his campaign. I believe he went on to endorse Newt for President. HA! I wonder if their female staffers are just paid hookers?

Rick Santorum, the bailout supporting big business type. That's not to mention his Christian Fundamentalism, which apparently spills over onto the old Tipper Gore agenda where we need to ban heavy metal because it's corrupting the youth. Get a new platform, I mean, Jesus Christ! Wait... I guess that is his platform. Dude's a joke.

John Huntsman I thought was a pretty honest dude. He had some good thoughts but just no backing and no funding. I have no idea what that guy is doing right now. Probably at an Ames Iowa Quiznos or something.

I'm leaving a couple out but I just really want to get to the big man himself.... the man no one's been waiting for.... Mitt Romney. I say no one has been waiting for him because it seems that no one truly cares for this man at all. I saw a cover of Time magazine somewhat recently with a big ole Mitt mug on the cover and what is the title? "Why Don't They Like Me?" That's right. The thought on everyone's mind is, this guy? Really? He's a husk. A shell. A flip flopping, silver spoon fed, bred for politics venture capitalist. He's not relevant to the American people. Even the Republican Party is saying, "Hey, we need a candidate to go up against Obama, we gotta get him out so let's put our guy in." But is that really worth it? To compromise and end up with a bad outcome? Mitt Romney is essentially the same guy as President Obama. Actually, I can't even say that much because we don't really even know who Mitt is. First he supports a bail out, then he says he opposed it. First he says government mandates are essential in the health field, then tries to act like he's trying to battle back against our current leadership under the Democrats? Are you kidding me? If this guy is a Conservative, then I'm Princess Diana. I won't even go into the devious tricks his campaign has been slinging since we've been in this race.

And then of course there's Ron Paul. The most Conservative member of the Republican party, Paul champions the Constitution in every decision he makes. He's a lot like Barry Goldwater in that he truly wants to limit what the government can do, ie be Conservative. See, that's the initial problem, isn't it? The first paragraph of this blog is about what the GOP aims to be. It is unfortunate that the Republican base is now using what we in the Liberty Movement call the "Unity Platform". The Unity Platform is this: all so called Conservatives must ban together and endorse Mitt Romney for the presidency because we need someone to run in this race. So, lemme get this straight. You, the Conservative party, want to compromise and put into the ring a guy who is almost identical to the man already in office who you constantly compare to Mao Zedong? I'm not wrapping my head around something here... it is truly disturbing. 

I had the displeasure of attending the Maryland state GOP convention a few weeks ago and man was I disappointed. We came with our entourage of rEVOLutionaries, don't get me wrong. But what I saw happening was this Unity Platform taking shape. The Chairman of the state GOP stood up there on the microphone and literally told us to endorse Mitt Romney so we have someone to run against Obama. My jaw dropped. Telling us who to endorse? And by that time there was only two candidates left in the race, Mitt and Ron Paul. 

The modern paradigm for quote "Conservatives" to follow is typically a faux Regean-esque George Bush/Dick Cheney type scenario. Republicans forget that the true message of personal liberty, capitalism and national security comes from small government in chains, not the people in chains. Based on the governmental policies of the past 20-40 years, we now know that both parties will expand the size and scope of government to achieve political ends, such that no one is actually trying to chip away at government. There's no opposing force, and unless you want to join a third party, you have to ride the Republican wave if you want the supposed Conservative leadership. 

Here's my aim and here's what the in the rEVOLution have been up to. We've now turned the youth onto the ideas of liberty. You see, as Ron Paul says, freedom is popular. Wouldn't you know it? So now with our energized youth base and principled candidates, we're like a third party within the GOP. We're taking over, much to the dismay of NeoConservatives who want expansion of the military industrial complex and want the United States to become a Christian theocracy. 

You see, we have a little thing called the Constitution. It's a bit old, it's a bit faded, but it works. Do you know why? Because freedom works. It's gotten us here, and we can't move on without it. I just hope the Republican Party and the American people can get their heads straight and finally understand that again so we can truly remember what the GOP is and what limited government really means.


  1. Well done, and congradulations on making it possible to post without joining Facebook.

  2. I support Ron Paul because I believe in Constitutional Liberty which is what Ron Paul is trying to “legalize”. When Dr Paul is answering a bunch of what if questions posed by a reporter, notice that he, the only proven-honest, congressman in government service answers all questions from the same viewpoint. His viewpoint is that government has no place in people's personal moral and political lives other than to protect people’s privacy in their unalienable rights to think, to say, to do, to own property, and to pray without any intervention by outside forces whatsoever. True Liberty under the Constitution is always the answer for all questions of government policies both foreign and domestic according to Dr Ron Paul. Under Constitutional Liberty the only valid laws that can be enforced are those laws that protect freedom from harm and freedom from theft of personal property. All laws based on moral principles from world religions and philosophies that restrict personal Liberty are totally illegal due to their foreign, un-American nature having no root in the two self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence. These laws, like the laws against personal drug use, are the same as some kinds of laws that would come out of the U.N. or N.A.T.O., or some foreign power.

  3. It is spelled Ames, Iowa. You should get an editor because your writing is atrocious.

    1. Thanks so much for your ever so constructive input! I'm glad to know you probably won't be returning to my blog.
